April 6, 2011

pray for me.

let's pretend there's this fruit that only comes around every once in a while. and then let's pretend that this fruit is a watermelon.

so i guess there's this watermelon...

k now let's add that you've never tried watermelon before. but you think it's great already. you don't really need to taste it to know how great it looks in a zip up sweatshirt. and you cerrrrtainly don't need to have a real conversation with it to understand why there's no better fruit on the market. and maybe this watermelon makes you nervous, and you just want to die a lot when it comes in... season? and it knows that.
smart fruit.
so it takes full advantage of watching you fumble through words any chance it gets. it also takes pleasure in asking you to repeat phrases that have somehow escaped your mouth in the most juvenile of ways. because it's a fruit. and we think fruit is a bully.

k then the last thing that makes you want to be allergic is those watermelon eyes. you heard me.

it's obviously time to stay away from watermelon for a while.


  1. k i love reading your blog! just wanted you to know....

  2. We obviously don't talk enough. Why didn't I know about watermelon?

  3. kels... thanks! i love reading yours too! :)

    brock... you do. lady gal. i live witchu. i tell you all of my deepest darkest secrets about fruit. you little cupcake, you.


i like words. and you. write me a few?