October 3, 2011

our brains are the same.

kelsey g.c. text messaged me a rather disdainful and jaw-droppingly ignorant quote this morning, followed by a piece of her mind.

the [personal, i'm sure] insult that started it all:

"jane austen's novels are vulgar in tone, sterile in artistic invention, without genius, wit, or knowledge of the world. never was life so pinched and narrow."
--ralph waldo emerson.

kelsey g.c.: hate him. i'm reading about feminism, and apparently most male authors think women are awful.

me: yeah. men in general are sexist. oh dear, i fear that i may have just been caught red-handed with feminist tendencies. i blame it on my gender circumstance... which seems understandable, considering the fact that that particular ordeal has always been out of my control.

k.g.c.: i'd say i'm somewhat of a feminist, but then again, i'm falling into a social construct by becoming a teacher. you suck, constructs!

m: in that case, i, too, am doomed. yeah, what did we ever do to you, society?!

miss jane,
we will fight off your toughest oppressors tooth and nail, because we love you just that much.

...and might i mention,
we have text message conversations about social constructs and feminism. other conversations via the cell phone include nationalism, other issues with english lit, and progress in western civilization... but on reeeeally good days [fridays mostly], we reference rebecca black and mindless youtube videos. talk about being well rounded...

1 comment:

i like words. and you. write me a few?