December 9, 2011

yet another ecard that relates to you... more than likely...

ahhhh, the curses of dead week:
campus gets absurdly quiet, the library is suddenly a place you wish you weren't spending your time,
and the neighbors want to hang out. all the time.

what a weird, weird week.

requiem on water.
imperial mammoth.
not only an ingenious intermingling of soft harmony,
but also made with words that roll through my mind like melted butter.
captivating words kind of weaken my knees.

1 comment:

  1. yeah. this fabulous ecard relates to me. completely. also, i listened to the song.. because you told me to yesterday. & i think i am completely obsessed. twilight's soundtrack is pretty swell. maybe i'll consider seeing the movie.
    love you..
    miss ya already.

    ♥ xoxo.


i like words. and you. write me a few?