March 14, 2013

Arizona is hot in March and happy all the time.

 A girl who's growing up too fast // A pretty dress // Snuggly baby Bode
Pit stop in Flagstaff: A part of the desert that looks a lot like Oregon // Tots eating her match & cheese
Coolest dad there ever was // My biggest fan, Rowdy, the beagle // Morning love from Teddy bear (THOSE KISSABLE CHEEKS!)
three of the sweetest faces you've ever seen

A Post-Script:
I was urinated on today. Three times.
And I still can't wait to own some tiny humans. 


  1. O my gosh how weird Coutch! I was urinated on today several times by a girl with darker skin..

    1. Hahahaha all I could picture was Rayo urinating on you. I hope that's what happened.


i like words. and you. write me a few?