June 24, 2013

"I feel you in my knees."

The other day, I didn't feel pretty.

Today, in my denim shirt, I smeared Nutella on white bread, cut bananas over the top and watched Driving Miss Daisy. I felt the prettiest I've felt in weeks.

The other day, I had Sylvia Plath stuck in my head.

Today, I received a tight hug, made plans, remembered just how much I love those dimples, felt butterflies in my knees, and forgot about every heart break I've ever had.

Today, I wanted to tell the world how happy I was. Instead, I rolled down my windows on the freeway and smiled really big. Because I'm not about to blow this.


  1. Driving Miss Daisy. The best.

  2. Well that was vague! But good. I hope we get to know more eventually haha.

  3. i love this. ps is that ingrid? or another quote thats the same? I'm thinking of "Mountain and the sea"


i like words. and you. write me a few?