June 21, 2013

There are people as weird as me out there.

This is my new favorite human of life. And you think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Jayke Larson, I love you a mill. Only on rare occasions do I meet other humans who have identical personalities to my own. Thanks for being the easiest person to work with. Thanks for letting me sit on your lap upon first meeting and for literally being the coolest person in the entire world. I owe my life to you, gingaboiiiii. Peace, love, and A-A-Ron 4dayzzz. K let's get married now.


Also, I never want to forget this snap.


  1. I totally went to school with him. I always thought he was the coolest.

  2. I'm not kidding about the marriage thing. You're kidding, I'm not kidding. You should get married. Aren't you aware that love is mutual weirdness? I'm sure you do.


i like words. and you. write me a few?