August 9, 2013

I go hard.

I don't know what to write about, so I'll probably just write about EFY since that's all I've known for the past three months of my life.

And here's what I have to say about EFY today: 

It is my last yellow polo day. Ever. #yellowpoloYOLO

One of my girls had a guitar playing/singing act in the Variety Show and it rocked the world. For real. I am a proud mom. 

I'm debating hard on whether to go to Jackson Hole, white-water rafting with my team tomorrow or just to go back and see my people. My life is hard.

I got paid today. 

I'm going to California on Sunday for an entire week. Disneyland. For three days straight. With my E-F-B-F, Ry Chollet. Remembering that is the what's gotten me through this week. That's real. 

I'm going to Jimmy Kimmel on Monday afternoon. I'm not kidding you when I say this... MY LIFE LONG DREAM IS COMING TRUE. Did I mention Liam Hemsworth is going to be his guest? [Insert one million adoring Hunger Games fans screaming here]

Also, I can eat cafeteria food no more. 


  1. Court I freakin love you. I remember how obsessed you were with Jimmy. He is a gem. I love him. Imma watch that episode. So do something crazy.

    Also, I found the note you gave me the other day. You know, that one time you had no gas money so couldn't apply at EFY, so I was like, Well shoot son! Take this! And you did and you wrote me a really nice note. YOu're a gem. Miss you!

    1. You're a gem. And so is Jimmy. I hate that I said that twice.

    2. That was the worst day of my whole entire life and I was seriously so grateful for you that day. I just remember sobbing. You're the real gem here, Mandy.

  2. Jimmy Kimmel and Disneyland! Ahhhhghrhhshshhhhhh. Come visit after! Also, me and your eyebrows need to have a little chat. Love you.


i like words. and you. write me a few?