August 27, 2013

So much good going on.

My life these days is freezer burned pizza bites, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Moon River, and booty shorts when I can't fall asleep. Today, someone on FB was hating on booty shorts and I just wanted to comment, "Don't knock 'em til you try 'em." I believe in the power booty shorts. They just make you feel better about your life. Also, wearing no pants does this, too. 

There is another thing... Life these days often consists of deep-set dimples, too. And crepes and door opening and sweet little dates and plans and dimples and dimples and dimples. My long-running favorite pair since 2011, so you know they're good. Maybe I'll write my Master's Thesis on them. I am THAT obsessed. A long time ago, I wrote about the first time I met him in my journal. I read that entry the other day and in it, I called him Golden Boy because he was everything wonderful and good in the world. Some things never change. 

Cryptic blog post? #sorrynotsorry 
Aaaaaaaand I love my life. Forgot to mention that. 


  1. I really hope you come home this weekend so we can catch up. I need more details.

  2. "Life these days often consists of deep-set dimples, too. And crepes and door opening and sweet little dates and plans and dimples and dimples and dimples."

    this is too much. too much goodness!

  3. We have the same bed sheets, so I think we should be friends. Also, I like how you write. So happy that Meg ^^^^^ introduced me to this blog

    1. Well, hello! Thank you for your kind words. I would loooove to be friends.

  4. i might have just stumbled upon your blog for the first time and now i hate that it took me so long to find this gem. i have 25 days (soon-to-be missionary) to stalk, so post as much as humanly possible so i can get an adequate amount of fangirling in before i leave.


i like words. and you. write me a few?