March 7, 2013

Messages from Heaven.

Last night I was having some serious feelings of  inadequacy. Do you know what I mean? Those little things are the pits. They're dangerous and absurd, but they are real. I was upset and not in the mood to speak with anyone about the way I felt, though, I knew there was one person who could make me feel loved and I knew that I could speak to him. I got down on my knees and prayed, the way I've always been taught to do. 

I am so grateful for The Atonement in my life, for its ability to heal me in both simple and complex ways. I am thankful for the two people in Heaven who wait patiently for me to come unto them for help. They live to ease my burdens. I am glad I have knowledge of that. 

After I said a prayer, I opened my scriptures and found a small index card that I'd written in high school. On it were verses from Alma, chapter 37. I particularly liked verse 37: 
"Counsel with the Lord in all they doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night, lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day. 

I can't even remember how I found the video above, but I know that it was no coincidence. 
If you feel inadequate, watch this video. Jeffrey R. Holland leaves no room for you to be left feeling unloved. Also, watch this one. And this TED Talk is fantastic, as well.


  1. Court, you're amazing. I truly think every single person in the world has feelings of inadequacy. Thank you for sharing this video. I really needed to hear it. I love you tons!

  2. Ps. I Think I call you amazing in every comment. Oops?

  3. Thank you. Thank you for posting this. I was feeling exactly as you described when I stumbled across your blog. This made a difference in my day. I needed this today.

    1. Good! So glad I was able to help. Welcome to this blog!


i like words. and you. write me a few?