September 1, 2013



my cousins own this business.
My cousin by blood, Madison, is the genius behind the lens of Mad Marie Photography, which is the most beautiful photography I've ever seen in my life (Not biased).
And her husband, Dan, is my favorite Bolivian in the whole world. And he is the genius behind all of the video shoots that happen.
And every once in a while, they let me be a part of their cool ideas. Like this trash the dress we did a few years ago.
It's really cool that they're in our family 1) because they're fun and 2) because they're constantly documenting our lives. Like when we took a trip to Cancun last summer and they made a video of it.
It's here if you'd like to take a gander (WARNING: It will make you want to join my goofball family)(There is an extremely embarrassing/AMAZING swimsuit moment of me at the end, so... I mean, there's that, too).


a few weeks ago, I had this really cool idea while I was driving through the middle of nowhere, coming home from Idaho.


and it turned into the greatest Saturday night of my whole entire life.
I got to be a zombie for the night.
In a zombie wedding video shoot.
On location.
Where there was a director,
a makeup artist,
director's assistants,
a story board...
and at the end of the shoot, Dan even said, "THAT'S A WRAP"
I got to crawl through the mud and get it all over me.
I feel like it was an extremely successful Saturday night.
Here are some pictures now. Because who doesn't want to see pictures of alive humans looking like dead humans?

 Freaked myself out in this pic FOR SHIZ. 
 Sisters. Because families can be together forever.
Also, flip-flops. Because those are the zombie shoes of choice, duh.
 Zom-B Self-E. 
High school friends, you know? 
Oh, yeah. 
And, my sister-in-law is one of those people who is, like, really good at being pregnant. Seriously, the cutest little prego belly my eyes have ever beheld.
I am so obsessed with that belly. And the baby boy inside of it, too, obviously. 


  1. These pictures are so intense and soo cool! Zombie wedding?! With a story board?! Get out of town. That would be so fun. Glad you have such a crazy family, it's a lot better that way :)

    Tightrope to the Sun

  2. VACATION VIDEOS! totally my guilty pleaure, but i don't really feel guilty about loving them so... just my pleasure??? moving on...
    confession: i've always wanted to be a zombie for halloween. screw the slutty ideas, i want to be a fully clothed and freaky looking zombie and then break out in the thriller dance like it aint no thing.

  3. Awww! love that photo. So excited for baby boy to meet keeks.


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