August 19, 2011

vintage yellow.

there is paint in my ears,
on my chin,
in the crevices of my fingernails,
drip-dried down my leg.
vintage yellow, to be exact.

yes, tonight i unleashed a powerful monster inside of me.
the bad kind.
the kind that gets obsessed, and never quits pestering my brain.

speaking of a pestering brain...

the thoughts never stop.
you know,
those thoughts that are hard to swallow.
because they are too wonderful to host if they are uncertain.
...too lovely to even fall asleep to.
yes. i have a pestering brain.

but more than that, i have paint splatters all over my skin.
because i happen to love old furniture and refinishing it.
which was the point of this entire post.
sorry for the ramble.
and it's lack of poetic rhetoric.

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