October 24, 2011

wake me up when october ends.

i love the shoes that make me feel like margaret sullavan.
which reminds me...
jimmy stewart, you are the bees in my knees.
autumn is coming and going quickly.
thank goodness. i am ready for snow covered logan. you either love it or you hate it.
being the outcast that i am, i prefer it. off with my head.
however, i think we can all agree on one thing: october overstays its welcome each year.
or maybe it's just me who thinks that... it must be the decemberist inside of me yearning for holly bells and chestnuts.
the dreamy house that i can't resist stalking on the daily.
i'm pretty sure george and nina banks live inside. which makes it all the more appealing.
my happy place.
my happiest place.

and do you know what?
it's the lips, i think.


i like words. and you. write me a few?